Wednesday, August 4, 2010

40- MISS MARPLE - Agatha Christie - short stories

"'Good morning, Elizabeth,' I said. 'Mr. Newman not down yet?' "'He must have been out very early, sir,' she replied. 'He wasn't in the house when we arrived.' "Instantly my uneasiness returned. On the two previous mornings Newman had come down to breakfast somewhat late; and I didn't fancy that at any time he was an early riser. Moved by those forebodings I ran up to his bedroom. It was empty, and, moreover, his bed had not been slept in. A brief examination of his room showed me two other things. If Newman had gone out for a stroll he must have gone out in his evening clothes, for they were missing. "I was sure now that my premonition of evil was justified. Newman had gone, as he had said he would do---for an evening stroll. For some reason or other he had not returned. Why? Had he met with an accident? Fallen over thc cliffs? A search must be made at once. "In a few hours I had collected a large band of helpers, and together we hunted in every direction along the cliffs and on the rocks below. But there was no sign of Newman. "In the end, in despair, I sought out Inspector Badg-worth. His face grew very grave. "'It looks to me as if there had been foul play,' he said. 'There are some not over-scrupulous customers in these parts. Have you seen Kelvin, the landlord of the Three Anchors?' "I said that I had seen him. "'Did you know he did a turn in gaol four years ago? Assault and battery.' "'It doesn't surprise me,' I said. "'The general opinion in this place seems to be that your friend is a bit too fond of nosing his way into things that do not concern him. I hope he has come to no serious harm.' "The search was continued with redoubled vigour. It was to download complete story


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