Rod was a administrator at House Depot. He formed about 50 hours a week. He admired his job, although the added hours cut into the time he could absorb with his three little girls. One morning he was declared to go home at 7 a.m. Instead, he backward on to advice out for three added hours. He was aloof about to leave at 10 a.m. back he heard something.
At one of the checkout counters, he saw a man dressed in white painter’s coveralls pointing a gun at the changeable checker. He had on a chicken cap, a white artificial painter’s mask, and white gloves.
Rod abrupt over. Times in Los Angeles had changed. All managers now accustomed training on how to acknowledge to armed robberies and hostage-taking. Rod was nervous, but he knew what he was declared to do. He approached the gunman.
“Sir, amuse don’t point that gun. We will accord you all the money you—”
The apache didn’t alike delay for Rod to accomplishment his sentence. He attempt Rod in the stomach. The checker screamed. The apache ran out to a white van and hopped in. The van sped off.
Rod didn't alike accomplish it to surgery. The killing fabricated all the TV account shows. House Depot offered a $100,000 reward.
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